Preschool teachers believe in whole child development, touching on every area of learning and children’s lives and helping them develop from where they are. It’s crucial that preschoolers develop their sense of self and wellbeing just as much as exploring Math and Literacy.

This bundle of LEGO® Education Preschool resources has been specifically developed to support all the main areas of whole child development: social and emotional, language and literacy, cognitive, creative and physical.

Early Language and Literacy: StoryTales
Use StoryTales to re-tell well known stories so preschoolers will practice attention to detail and explore story structure and characters.

Early Math: Animal Bingo
Use Animal Bingo to practice turn taking and following directions. Preschoolers will improve their attention span and social skills as they play.

Early Science: Tech Machines
Use Tech machines to talk about cause and effect, mechanisms and explore answers to common engineering questions.

Learner Skills: Creative Builder
Use Creative Builder to help preschoolers develop persistence, attention and an ability to follow instructions. They will be proud of their completed builds and develop confidence.

Learner Skills: Playground
Use the Playground to discuss common social issues on the playground and role play solutions. Ask preschoolers to build the playground together to develop collaboration skills.