Preschool teachers believe in whole child development, touching on every area of learning and children’s lives and helping them develop from where they are. It’s crucial that preschoolers develop their sense of self and wellbeing just as much as exploring Math and Literacy.

This bundle of LEGO® Education Preschool resources has been specifically developed to support all the main areas of whole child development: social and emotional, language and literacy, cognitive, creative and physical.

Social and Emotional Development: Playground
Use the Playground to role play common social situations on the playground such as taking turns, sharing and following games riles. Discuss how preschoolers feel on the playground and their favorite activities to encourage social and emotional development.

Early Language and Literacy: StoryTales
Use StoryTales to enable preschoolers to tell imaginative stories or ones based on their own lives. Preschoolers will develop their language skills as well as learn to listen attentively to others.

Cognitive Development: Café+
Use Café+ to inspire preschoolers to match, sort and count. Preschoolers will practice visual discrimination as they determine 2D and 3D shapes. They can also build whatever culinary creations they desire and role play café scenarios.

Creative Development: XL LEGO DUPLO Brick Set
Use the XL LEGO DUPLO Brick Set to inspire preschoolers to build whatever is in their imaginations. They can build creatures, places or even people.

Physical Development: LEGO Soft Brick Set
Use the LEGO Soft Brick Set to allow preschoolers to develop gross motor skills as well as build in an exciting scale. They can create friends the size of themselves, towers, buildings or anything they can imagine.